Saturday, March 3, 2012

It is the city where I have lived my entire life.

I'm not sure about the verb tense for "have lived". Would it be plus que parfait?|||I'd be happy to translate:

C'est dans la ville o霉 j'ai v茅cu toute ma vie. = It is (in) the city where I have lived my entire life.

Note: - No Plus-que-parfait; instead use the Pass茅 Compos茅 because it is a completed action. You are saying this retrospectively; thus, the PC would be more fitting.

C'est dans la ville o霉 je vis toute ma vie. = It is (in) the city where I have been living my entire life.

Note: Here, this is semi-retrospective; but the fact is that you are still living in the city. It sounds like you would need the PC here; however, you will just need the Present tense.|||Esto es la ciudad donde he vivido mi vida entera.|||C'est la ville o霉 je vais ma vie enti猫re vivre.

Gosh I hope that grammar is right, it's been a while since I took French :(|||C'est dans cette ville que je vivais pendant ma vie entiere.


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