Thursday, February 9, 2012

Le parece que alguno podr铆a ser v谩lido en su pa铆s, ahora?

I have already tried like all the translation sites-- SDL, yahoo babelfish, igoogle, and paralink, and spanishdict
They tell me that it says "Does it seem to him that someone might be valid in his country, now?" but that does not make any sense. What does it mean to be valid in a country?|||"Do you think that any of these might be legal (usable or proper) in your country?"

The part that is translated as "Does it seem to him that someone" is because the original is using the formal and polite way of referring to "you" but the translation is "reading" it as informal.|||It says:

do you think that one could be valid (or wothwhile) in your country, now?

I would need to know the context before I could really understand what they are talking about.|||It says It seems and some can be legit in your country now?

I think by valid it means legit, papered, a citizen.|||It seems some could be valid in their country, now?

They talking ab some kind of rule or information and they ask if that can be valid in this moment. |||Do you think that someone can be valid in your country, now?

I'm not sure what they are talking about, I would have to read the whole text to do so... But it can mean being legal in ones country or a citizen.


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