Friday, February 24, 2012

She said, "Puedes imprimir la hoja de la composicion que te envio adjunta y escribir una hoja para el lunes. Sera el primer borrador."

Now is she saying that SHE attached something in her email to me just now? Because nothing was attached...

Thanks for any help.|||Yep, she is talking about you can print the attached document and write a draft to Monday. It is going to be the first draw.

If there is nothing attached in the e-mail, you can send it to your teacher:


Lo siento, pero en el correo que me envi贸 no hay nada adjunto, le ruego que me lo vuelva a enviar para poder hacer mi trabajo.

Your Name.

It says that if he can send it again with the attached document.
Hope it helps you, and if you need more help ask to me.!!!|||"Puedes imprimir la hoja de la composicion que te envio adjunta y escribir una hoja para el lunes. Sera el primer borrador."

Can you print the composition paper that i will send attached and then you make a paper by Monday it will be the first draft.|||Attachment was sent, and it suppose to be used as a draft once you print it.

No recibi la hoja de composicion adjunta, favor de volverla a enviar.|||It means that you can print the sheet that she sent you(attached) and write a sheet for Monday. She says that it will be the draft.


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