Tuesday, February 21, 2012

da as well as the Taliban?
What role do you suppose Iran played in 9/11 that we haven't been told about?
Why do our "leaders" refuse to do anything about Iran?|||THat idiot Bush
Why didn't HE invade Iran instead of wasting our time going into Iraq
IRAN is the far more serious issue
Our "leaders" are all stupid idiots|||I've not ready anything posted, but within the circles I travel, the Iranian connection with al Qaida is not news. As for why our leaders refuse to do anything. You must understand that militarily, we (U.S.) are stretched. Bill Clinton gutted the military stating that we would never again be in a two front war -- all the while ignoring the happenings going on in the Middle East and thus setting the stage for the same two front war we were told we'd never again be in. Historically, we are the only ones who have fought a two front war and came away the winners. Entering a three front war then is pretty much guaranteed suicide. So far, Obama has done nothing but talk. Talk is cheap and it's proven time and time again to be completely ineffective (with Iran). Lastly, there is the concern over appearances. First the U.S. enters Iraq (a Muslim state) and then Afghanistan (another Muslim state), when you tie that in with the unfortunate choice of words by Bush ("Crusade"), even if we were to wrap up one of the two wars currently being fought, entering Iran may well be the straw that broke the camel's back with our Muslim allied countries.|||Nothing like that surprises me anymore.


I do not trust what our government is telling us and I believe our press has fallen down on its constitutional duty to be the last in our check and balance system by keeping a very watchful eye on our government.|||1. I doubt you have read a single word of it but rather are just regurgitating what other people claim is in there.

2. So far there hasn't been anything new that anyone has found in any of it so far as I can tell.|||not even.

i think the plan is to let Israel handle this one, they are better at it.
pc is not their thing, meaning: they will have a measure of success.|||Not in the slightest.


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