Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I wanna say this to a girl i like, and since she is half french, she knows some french, and I wanna tell her this in French:
I really like you and i hope you like me too

I went on Google Translate and this is what I got:
Tu me plais vraiment et j'esp猫re que vous me plaisez aussi

How should I pronounce it?|||First off, Google Translate and all the previous answerers are wrong.
The correct sentence is:
Tu me plais vraiment et j'esp猫re que je te plais aussi.

Here's how each word is pronounced, with explanations on how to say the symbols I use:

tu = t眉
眉 = purse your lips as if to say the "oo"sound in "fool", and try to say the "ee"sound as in "feel" while keeping your lips in that position

me = muh
uh = the sound of the first "a" in "america"

plais = pleh
eh = the sound of the "e" in "bed"

vraiment = vReh - m茫
R = French R
eh = the sound of the "e" in "bed"
茫 = the "aw"sound in "paw" (american accent) but through your nose

et = ay
ay = the first half of the "ay" sound in "may" (american accent)

j'esp猫re = 蕭eh - spehR
蕭 = the sound of the "s" in "measure"
eh = as before
R = as before

que = kuh
uh = as before

je = 蕭uh
蕭 = as before
uh = as before

te = tuh
uh = as before

plais = pleh
eh = as before

aussi = oh-see
oh = the sound of the "o" in "more" but twice as short.
ee = the sound of the "ee" in "glee" but twice as short|||Are you trying to say something along the lines of: "I really like you and I hope that you like me too"?
If you are, I don't think that's what it says. "Tu" and "vous" mean similar things, so i think you're just telling her that you like her twice, i.e. "I really like you, and I hope that I like you too."
And I think that the "vous me plaisez" is in the wrong tense.

It might be: "Tu me plais vraiment et j'esp猫re que je te plaise aussi", which I would pronounce as something like (excuse the bizarre spellings): "too muh play vraymont ay shess-pair kuh shuh tuh plehs oh-see". "Je" isn't said quite like "shuh", but it's the only way I can think of to get it across. And of course, you have to do that throaty sound when you say the "r"s.

I speak a fair amount of French, but I'm not fluent, and that pronunciation thing probably wasn't very helpful, so I'd go ask this question in languages as well. And if you've got any friends who know any French, they might be able to help with pronunciation.

Good luck, anyway =]|||The sentence is good.
It is very hard to explain how to pronounce it, I'll give it my best.


me (the "e" in "me" is like an "eu")

ple (the "e" is like an "e" from the word "hey")

vreman ( "e" is like the "e" from "hey", the "an" is like "An" with a British accent without pronouncing the "N")

e ( "e" is like the "e" from "hey")

Jespere (First to "e"'s are like the "e" from "hey", the second is like an "eu")

ke ( "e" is like "eu")



pleze (Both "e"'s are like the "e" from "hey")


If I didn't say how to pronounce it, it is because it is pronounced the way you read it.

I hope I helped!|||Too muh play vraymen(dont say the t) et (a) jespear que(Keu) voos muh playses oussi

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