Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I found a site where I could upload Nude Photos on there and I uploaded one of a guy because lets be honest the garbage and trollbaiting nonsense that people where posting was at best pathetic and I get this response with someone screwing with the tags. "word of advice. If you're gonna upload nudes can you make sure the person is a female", seriously ce que l'enfer?|||Same deal with advertising and billboards.

They both fall woefully short of good male perve material! Enough with the female hotties - lets get the buff hunky guys advertising tampons!|||Because the geeks who started it are mostly heterosexual boys. Obviously, your porn site is run by homophobic boys who are terrified of their latent inclinations|||A lot of cis/het men think the world revolves around them. Seriously.|||Wow.....the way you worded the question led me to think you might have been a woman.....|||Many internet users are GIFTed.|||Because the Internet is the one place where people can say what they actually think without fear.


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