Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It says 'Explique en espanol la diferencia entre los dos tipos de construcciones, con y sin articulo indefinido'. The sentences are structured like this:

1. Murio como (una) gota que retorna al mar.

How would I answer that? I understand what the directions translate to, but I don't know how to use it.

Any suggestions?|||The instructions say "Explain in Spanish the difference between the two types of sentences with a defined article or undefined article".

I think they want you to explain the sentence with the word that is in parenthesis and then without. What's the difference. the word in parenthesis defines a particular thing in this case a (particular droplet of water) which would be defined. Where if you remove it from the sentence it becomes abstract in a sense or undefined.

Some of this gets lost in translation. If so I apologize. Hope this helps.|||rhghrgrhghr AY MAMÁÁÁÁÁ!! QUE DIFICIL!!
yo... molo


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