Thursday, February 9, 2012

I need to write a composition for my Spanish class, and I need to cite sources. The topic is:
Una noticia politica, economica, o social de los pasados diaso semanas que pueda afectar a la comunidad hispanohablante internacional, incluyendo a los hispanohablantes que viven en los Estados Unidos.|||Hey ch3nzo23 what's going on with you? I'm mexican, that hurts me, anyway is almost true since the US don't want to help us, but you most know that is not in all the mexican country, is only in the north, near to US

You can talk about... I don't know how to explain it in english, hope you understand to me in Spanish

La falta de dinero en toda latinoam茅rica debido a la crisis que se est谩 viviendo en el mundo, adem谩s del despido de hispanos en USA el muro que est谩n costruyendo esos $%&"路$ para evitar que m谩s gente de latinoam茅rica vaya a su pa铆s a "quitarles" su dinero y para "protegerse" de los narcotraficantes que hay en m茅xico, guatemala y colombia.|||How about how Mexico is about as politically stable as Pakistan and will be overrun by drug cartels and collapse into an anarchistic state within the next decade?|||The Stock Exchange slump brought about by the US.


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