Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I know a girl who trained her horse to lie down on que and it is so cute! She just puts her food underneath her horses front left leg and pushes up and her horse walks around for a bit and looks for the perfect place then just lays down then they get back up :)she can do it bareback, with a saddle anything! her horse is just so calm! My horse is really calm and i think it would just be so fun to try. The girl is an experienced rider, but i would really love to do it! So how do you do it anyway?|||use Scooby snacks as a bribe for it to do as you command|||Laying down is a very vulnerable position for a horse, so it might take a while to teach. Try looking up some of Clinton Anderson's videos on natural horsemanship to see the connection he has with his horse. You also might want to start with getting your horse to bow. Using treats guide your horses head down to between its legs, this might take a while, but it is a start. Eventually your horse will bend to one knee to take the treat. From there you can work on getting him to lie down. Also ask the girl how she trained her horse, she might have some good tips for you.|||Ya you will think it's cute when your horse one day decides to lay down on you.....why would you want to teach a horse to lay down? What good does it due? It will just bite you in the future.|||http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxZN9Xe7h鈥?/a>|||cant tell if trollling or just stupid...|||Instructions
things you'll need:
Halter and lead
Choose an area with plenty of room when you teach a horse to lie down. This will help to reduce the chance on injury if the horse looses its footing on the way down or shifts too far backwards when completing the maneuver.

Use a halter and lead to teach your horse to lie down. Grab the lead rope and bring it around to the side of the horse, behind its neck, to the spot where you are standing. Steady the horse and keep it still by placing your hands on the animal's shoulders.

Lift the horse's front foot (the one that is the closest to you) while pulling the lead away from your body, causing the nose of the horse to point away from where you are standing. This will cause the horse to shift its entire weight backward, toward its rear quarters.

Repeat this maneuver over and over until your horse sinks its body low enough to require putting its knee on the ground to steady itself. Ensure that you praise and reward the horse for executing this move successfully each time, using either a clicker or a brief scratch to the horse's favorite pleasure spot (such as on the withers). After completing this move, return the horse's foot to the ground, and continue the praise and stroking.

Push the horse gently to the ground once you have gained its trust through the repeated training, ensuring that you heap additional praise on the animal for completing the task. This may take some time, since the horse's instinct will be to resist falling to the ground. Once you have succeeded in your efforts to train your horse to lie down, you will have deepened the bond between you and the horse.


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